The recent attack in Brussels shook the world and made everyone feel very hesitant to travel abroad. I have few clients changed their minds in traveling to Europe since the Paris attack and a lot asked me if it is still safe to travel. I am no expert in safety nor an expert to know what is going to happen next. BUT I do know that there is no “safe” place anymore in this world and we can’t be hiding.
The Paris and Brussels terror attacks are just two out of the many attacks that have happened around the world. Joining them, there were attacks in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Jakarta, Afghanistan, Somalia and a lot of other lesser reported ones. YES, we are living in dangerous times and if you call yourself a Christian and you believe in the Bible then this should not surprise you at all- “the last days” as it says. It sure does scares everyone including myself. But I keep my faith and lived life one day at a time.

As I have mentioned in a previous blog, despite these evildoers and their atrocities, my family will continue to explore the world and meet with good people along the way from whichever ethnicity or religious background. I’ve advocated travel as a means to learn, to have fun and discover the unknown; it may have originally applied to places but it applies just as much to people.
Seeing the people stranded in the wake of the Brussels attacks it got me thinking as to what to do when we are abroad during a terror attack. I researched news reports, articles, and blogs. Here are few helpful articles I found for you to read and keep:
10 Precautions That Can Help Keep Your Family Safe While Traveling Overseas
Safety Tips for Travelers: What to Do if Disaster Strikes
What to Do If You’re Abroad During an Attack
7 Keys to Traveling Without Fear Despite Terrorist Attacks
Happy and safe travels y’all.
Thanks for dropping by and don’t forget to leave your comments… xoxo
Update as of April 02, 2016
To inspire you:
My friend with her family enjoying Brussels a week after the attack
Great article, we were in Paris the week after the terrorism and arrived in brussels the day they lifted the lockdown. We were to have gone back to Europe again early next year, but after nice and our family’s concerns decided a cruise in asia instead. we won’t stay away forever, but for now, we’ll put other places as priorities .
Yeah, I understand. It’s really tough situation but good to know you are exploring Asia. wooot….
I am a travel agent by profession and if you happened to have no one helping u out then i can be of help… I love people to travel so I always made sure they get the best value for their bucks… and I give add ons to most clients taking cruises:)
Thank you for dropping by… xoxo
Very hot topic. After researching a place for your family adventure, then you find yourself explaining and convincing all around you! Thnaks for the great information.
I found that giving safety stats on your own country can help put it all into perspective. I wrote about how the gun laws in the US make others take pause sometimes about coming to the US. Perspective is important.
So thankful you addressed this! We will continue to travel as a family too-I do love your list though-it makes me feel a little more reassured. ❤️
Thanks for dropping by… Happy and Safe travels:) xoxo
I’m so glad that yoU’ve written about still traveling since the recent terrorist attacks. We have to balance the amount of risk we’re willing to take with where we want to go. being informed is most important.
Yes, staying inform makes life a little bit easier… I guess in everything we do:) Knowledge is POWER!!! Keep exploring… Happy and Safe travels:) xoxo
It’s a shame that this is an issue, and I won’t lie.. it definitely makes me think twice about traveling certain places!
I can’t blame you… it is truly frightening. But as I said that there’s no “safe” place anymore. But I know you will get back traveling very soon;)
Thanks for dropping by… Happy & safe travels…xoxo
you got it right, bonbon! let’s get not deterred by these evil deeds.. but at the same time knowledge in hand goes a long way. we think staying with the locals (airbnbs!) and using social media to know more about the place you’re traveling to are very important tools to negate these risks. on another note, where are you headed next?
All these attacks definitely drag down tourism… It has a huge impact on tour operators and travelers alike but it’s going to be fine soon. Hopefully:) Well… next trip is probably south of France:)